Hello, this page is for a collection of all sorts of my art! from schoolwork and personal work!! It will grow from time to time so stay tuned!
This was my last project for the ninth grade year. It was an open project,
where we were to pick a theme and create something within photoshop that was realated to said theme in a certain way.
For mine, I choose human expression and usage of digital manipulation. The story behind it is a line
between reality and online prescene, where do we really cross it? or notice it? It's a need for identity in both worlds.
Around the start of first quarter, we were taught
value, blending, contour lines, etc. For these
practices, we did crosshatching, and making
our own value color key.
For these, the rounder pumpkin was our Quarter one, and the one
next to it was a contour line practice. Where we were given
pumpkin candies and instructed to draw what we saw, out of
most work I have done so far for 10th grade,
my favorite is the contour line practice.
School Work
This is Almana, she's part of a personal project of mine,
the main premise of her is that she was cursed by the
moon to enternally walk the ocean floor alone.
However, I felt as if I didn't convey this in her old
design as well as I did in her new one. Where it displays
more personality within her outfit and such. I have
struggled in the past to convey emotion and personality
through design, but that is a flaw I personally think I am
improving on as a whole.
These two (in the order displayed) are Amesta and Natalia
the main villians of my personal project, Amesta is a
power hungry cult leader, who elminates anyone that she
feels is in her way of climbing to the top. Natalia is
Amesta's right hand man and partner, who encourages this goal,
and is encouraged to feed into her own issues by Amesta.
Quite the duo
This is personally one of my favorite pieces that I have
ever done. The entire piece from sketch to finish was
an experiment in itself.
I wanted to play around with texture,
grayscale, color, etc. I think I showed that well in this as
I made this piece around the time I was going through
a "craze" of using crosshatching for EVERYTHING, and this was
the breaking point of managing it and using it in moderation
and not overwhelm the eye with SAME texture.
These three are related to another personal project of mine
that revolves around dark themes and a constant
motif of tragedy. the man in the first image on the left is Lynceus,
and the woman on the right in the first image is Cecilia (same woman in the image above)
after a series of unfortunate events, Lyncues lost Cecilia, and his baby daughter.
And was left to wander the globe, trying to find a way to ease his grief.
Personal Work